as a blogger life never really gets boring. you're always invited out to some party, you get to work on interesting projects and hang out with talented people. and every once in a while you're offered to test a particular product. now that's not something i usually do but when Canon asked me to review the new Canon Ixus 510HS camera i was game, having spent the better part of my adult life looking for a small, handy alternative to the Canon 5D i shoot all my other work with. simply a camera i could carry around with me everywhere and that would jump in to take a high quality photograph of something i would otherwise have missed.
so what is special about the Canon Ixus 510HS?
first of all it's got a built-in wireless function, permitting you to transfer photos from the camera directly onto the web (very handy for instant facebook updates for example). the other innovation is the 12x zoom which let's you go real close without losing much quality. as someone who's been using her smartphone for instant snaps i really appreciate this function because often smartphones and many other zoom cameras lose a lot of the quality, the closer they zoom in. and then of course there is HD video, touch screen and the HS system.
here's my attempt at testing the new and improved superzoom - with very convincing results...
now i am someone who likes to make images more interesting using photoshop - changing colors, contrasts, shading etc. and for this i need a high quality image to work with. the smaller the file, the harder it becomes to tweak it. i was actually quite surprised by the results and had a good time photoshopping the close-ups. here are some more:
the other big thing for me is the flash - now if you've been using your phone to take pictures like me, you might be just as frustrated with the flash. even point and shoot cameras have flashes that overexposed if used at too close distances or they aren't strong enough when you move too far from the subject. the Canon Ixus 510HS did a decent job in overcoming that issue as well. here's a shot of Fabian and Jessie making funny faces at a party the other night:
kind of looks just like my usual party photos, doesn't it? except that i didn't use €4000 worth of equipment.
i will continue these reviews for 4 more weeks, so keep checking in for new updates on my findings and feel free to ask questions or add suggestions on stuff i should try out.
so what is special about the Canon Ixus 510HS?
first of all it's got a built-in wireless function, permitting you to transfer photos from the camera directly onto the web (very handy for instant facebook updates for example). the other innovation is the 12x zoom which let's you go real close without losing much quality. as someone who's been using her smartphone for instant snaps i really appreciate this function because often smartphones and many other zoom cameras lose a lot of the quality, the closer they zoom in. and then of course there is HD video, touch screen and the HS system.
here's my attempt at testing the new and improved superzoom - with very convincing results...
now i am someone who likes to make images more interesting using photoshop - changing colors, contrasts, shading etc. and for this i need a high quality image to work with. the smaller the file, the harder it becomes to tweak it. i was actually quite surprised by the results and had a good time photoshopping the close-ups. here are some more:
the other big thing for me is the flash - now if you've been using your phone to take pictures like me, you might be just as frustrated with the flash. even point and shoot cameras have flashes that overexposed if used at too close distances or they aren't strong enough when you move too far from the subject. the Canon Ixus 510HS did a decent job in overcoming that issue as well. here's a shot of Fabian and Jessie making funny faces at a party the other night:
kind of looks just like my usual party photos, doesn't it? except that i didn't use €4000 worth of equipment.
i will continue these reviews for 4 more weeks, so keep checking in for new updates on my findings and feel free to ask questions or add suggestions on stuff i should try out.