more precisely put: my legs at their most comfortable, crossed and seated in a cute cafe in prenzlauer berg. you wouldn't guess that these legs have just been through a hellishly busy week of fashion week, would you? unbelievable but true - i made it through the entire fashion madness without a single blister. i also managed to stay away from a cold, hangovers and nervous breakdowns. i did work like crazy though and almost never put the camera down, so that you and the readers of various magazines would get a good idea of what the fashion crowds were wearing between last wednesday and saturday.

so how did i do it? 2 main things: vitamins and Item M6. The latter is a special type of stocking that comes in all shapes and sizes (i am wearing the brown stay-ups in the photo above). the trick here is that these babies are considered wellness-stockings. they're especially tight in their texture which has a sort of acupuntural effect on your legs. especially around the ankles they give support which in turn gives you more energy to survive a long day standing or walking in heels.
they also do look very nice and are virtually impossible to rip.
i first became familiar with Item M6 when they asked me to shoot a making-of video of their latest campaign:
but i only actually got to try them when my good friend frank from iheartberlin offered me a care package called Survive Fashion Week which is sponsored by Item M6 and therefore comes with 3 gorgeous pairs of stockings!
Survive Fashion Week was really the best thing that could have happened to me as every day i was brought a goody bag with a fresh salad, a fan, some Dr. Hauschka beauty products and the Item M6 high-tech legwear. and like that wasn't good enough, i also got a free professional thai massage and a facial from them! heavenly bliss, i tell thee.
thanks to everyone at Survive Fashion Week!