yesterday my friend fred and i went out despite him coughing and myself sneezing all the way. we did our best to pull our glamourous selves together and take it like men. after mediocre fun at For3ign (which normally is cool, just not during easter i guess) we stopped by a kebab place and bought some fries. we were the only ones in there but all 3 of the staff bothered to come on the scene and chat with us. of greatest interest seemed to be the fact that fred looks like a girl, yet he's a boy. "when you change?" the curious turkish kebab man asked and frankly the situation was beyond weird. fred gets confused for a girl so often it even says MISS fredrik on his bank card! this post is dedicated to the curious kebab man and his collegues. a little lesson on girls dressing like boys and boys dressing like, erm, boy george.
oh yeah - happy easter from me ;)